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3 Reasons to Rid Your Home of Smoke and Ash After a Fire

House fires are devastating all around. You lose possessions, you take on structural damage to your home, and smoke and ash feel nearly impossible to get rid of! But with the help of a professional cleaning and restoration company who really knows what they’re doing, you can have your home back to normal in no time! And you definitely want to be hasty about it; here are three reasons to rid your home of smoke and ash after a fire:


Simply put, smoke and ash cause...


Damage to Your Possessions


Smoke and soot can cling to your possessions, causing discoloration, staining, that stench; ultimately the smoke ruins them. It’s important that you immediately contact the professionals for help with the cleanup! You want to make sure it’s done correctly, in order to protect the health of you and your loved ones.


Damage to Your Home


Smoke clings to walls, countertops, and flooring, too. The evidence of that devastating house fire is everywhere. But let’s get rid of it! The Steam Team can come in and effortless steam clean your walls, countertops, flooring, draperies- almost anything. Contact the professionals, like us, and we’ll be out in no time to help restore your home to its original condition!


Damage to Your Health


Finally, smoke and ash pose a health risk. Not to mention, smoked-damaged property slowly and gradually releases toxic gases and chemicals into the environment- that doesn’t sound good for your health, does it? Contact the professionals for help removing smoke and soot completely from your home.

Whatever the issue may be, The Steam Team has your back! From general cleanup and restoration to cleaning up after a house fire, we know exactly what to do! We also have top-notch equipment that we like to bring along; you’ll be shocked at our results!