If you’ve experienced a fire in your home, you’ll want to have your home cleaned and restored as soon as possible. You might be thinking that you can handle the job yourself but you should know that even after the flames have burned out, the danger isn’t over. Here are 5 reasons that you should leave the cleaning and restoration up to professionals I Marble Falls:
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Attempting to enter a recently burned building is extremely dangerous for many reasons. Perhaps the most obvious danger is the inhalation of smoke still remaining in the building. Inhaling smoke can lead to a decrease in the body’s oxygen and cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
Long-term Damage
Exposure to smoke in the long term can lead to many serious health conditions and has been associated with an increase in cardiovascular disease.
Immediate Reactions
When coming in direct contact with smoke, you’re also likely to experience many negative short-term reactions such as nausea due to odor, or irritation to the nose, throat or eyes.
Dangerous Chemical Reactions
Since most homes are filled with cleaning supplies and various other products containing harsh chemicals, the fire may have caused combustion of these chemicals or caused them to mix, either of which could make the smoke extremely toxic to inhale.
Weakened Immune Systems
Those with weakened or less developed immune systems are particularly at risk to the dangers of smoke and soot. That includes infants, children and the elderly. Anybody with weakened immune systems should stay far away from any building that has recently experienced a fire.
How We Can Help
Given the information above, we hope we have urged you to never enter a property that has recently experienced fire damage. For situations as sensitive as this, stay safe and let the professionals handle it. The Steam Team technicians can fully clean and restore any property with the proper equipment and methods. For more information on our fire damage restoration service in Marble Falls or Horshoebay, visit The Steam Team website. If you have fire or water damage in marble falls call us now at 512-451-8326.