Tile Cleaning
Many homeowners elect tile flooring because of its aesthetic appeal. It looks beautiful and can brighten just about any room in your your home! And most homeowners believe that tile is generally easier to clean. However, with tile, comes grout. And grout is definitely not the easiest to clean and care for.
Grout is porous in texture, making it a primary target for stains. Keeping it clean and pristine is a struggle for all homeowners, but don’t feel intimidated. The Steam Team is always standing by with high power, professional equipment that can remove even the most frightening of stains! But before we call in the professionals, let’s make sure we cover our basics.
Target Areas
Unsurprisingly, grout can be the most difficult to clean in areas with high traffic or near access to the outside. These areas may include the entry way, living room, kitchen, and dining area.
We recommend prioritizing these areas. Start by sweeping, mopping, and dusting thoroughly, and then move on to the tile and grout stains.
Spills and messes are inevitable, but they’re not always properly or promptly cleaned. Be on the lookout for any signs of mold growth.
Stain Removal
The most basic way to remove stains begins with a simple scrub brush. Mix warm water with vinegar for a safe, mild cleaning solution. If the stain is too tough, you can try using a mixture of baking soda and peroxide. Cleaning products are safe to use, but it’s wise to start with the most mild solution and work your way up.
Steam cleaning is the preferred method for many homeowners. Using only heat and pressure, steam cleaning is completely safe for the environment and is more efficient than most techniques. If you have tile and unsightly grout stains that need to be taken care of, call in your local tile cleaning company, like The Steam Team! We have all of the expertise and equipment that you need!